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Site & Facilities

There are currently 40 full plots and 42 half plots on our site (2024). For interest, an allotment plot was traditionally 10 poles (also called rods or perches), a linear pole being 16.5 feet. Our full plots measure approximately 16.5 feet x 165 feet (total 2722.5 sq ft), though variations have undoubtedly arisen over time - plenty of growing space anyway!
Our site does not have running water or electricity but there is a borehole for extraction of water and, as of April 2023, we have a waterless Kazuba toilet on the site. Rainwater is also harvested. A defibrillator and First Aid Kit are provided in the Main Shed. We also encourage recycling and sharing. Some plots have existing sheds; for those that don’t you are welcome to site your own (see PLOT AND SITE MAINTENANCE RULES.)
Parking is available on the road outside the site; alternatively some plot holders have made a parking space on their plot. There is a turning circle at the top of the site avenue. Please note that the bridge across the dyke at the site entrance has a weight restriction of 3 tonnes should you be arranging any delivery of materials. The site gates are locked except for foot and bicycle access from December 1st until March 1st.
Full plots cost £30 per annum (2025) and half plots £15. A deposit of £20 for a full plot and £10 for a half plot is also payable at the start of your tenancy and is refundable providing the plot is returned in good condition.
Social events usually take place throughout the year and the Society runs the Barton upon Humber Allotment Society Annual Horticultural Show. Notification of these and other general information can be found on the site notice boards or on this website.
An Annual General Meeting is held in January which is your opportunity to have your say both in the running and in the future of the Society, and to pay your annual subscription.
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