Plot Checks & Parking

Plot Checks
A brief check of plots is carried out by the Site Manager on a monthly basis. This is to consider the state of cultivation, paths, hedges etc., use of the plot and general care and consideration for other plot holders. The Site Manager reports all findings back to the Committee who discuss any matters arising and then decide whether any action is required to ensure the good upkeep of the site.
A new 'traffic lights' system has been introduced (May 23) which should bring more clarity to the monitoring of plots for both the committee and plot holders.
GREEN: At least 75% in cultivation. No action required. Keep on growing as you are.
AMBER: In danger of contravening the minimum of 75% cultivation rule. Action required - increase area cultivated to 75% by the next inspection, or risk going into the red category.
RED: In contravention of the 75% cultivation rule. Action required - reach 75% cultivation by the next inspection, or Notice to Quit will be issued. Notice to Quit may be rescinded if 75% cultivation is reached by the date of removal from your plot.
A general inspection of all plots will be carried out twice yearly (end March and end September) by members of the Committee in order to check compliance with the Society Rules.
If you are finding it difficult to keep up with your plot for reasons of ill health or other, please let us know so that we can keep it in mind at the next plot inspection. We may also be able to suggest some assistance.
All decisions of the Committee are taken in accordance with the PLOT & SITE MAINTENANCE RULES and the PRINCIPLES FOR GOVERNANCE.
In the event of any escalation of a problem, the Committee will act in accordance with the DISPUTE HEARINGS/EVICTION APPEALS policies.
All full plot holders can create a car parking space at the road end of their plot. Plot holders without a parking space should either get permission from a neighbour to park on their plot, or leave their car outside the gates. All parking spaces must be big enough to get the entire car off the central road, so that it is not blocking access for others.
For half plots, the front (A) plot can similarly create a parking space. The back half plot (B) holder should agree the use of this space with the ‘A’ plot holder when they are not there, or should obtain permission from a neighbour to park on their plot. Again, if this cannot be done, they must leave their car outside the gates, after dropping off tools or picking up harvested crops.