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The Borehole 2021

For many years a major request at AGMs has been for “water on the plots”.
The main site shed is used for harvesting rainwater into a tank and IBCs (intermediate bulk
containers) for plot use, and individual plot holders have always collected water off their own shed
roofs into IBCs or barrels but, with climate change and increasing periods of drought in eastern England, the need for a more secure source of water became pressing.
The committee investigated the options available and it became clear that a borehole would provide the best solution year round. Metered mains water was considered but was too costly and impractical to administer. A water borehole essentially involves drilling a hole into the ground to access the underground water that flows naturally. When it rains, the rainwater seeps through the layers of soil and rock and is known as groundwater. This can also be contributed to by streams and rivers.
The history of borehole drilling goes back as far as 202 BC when a method of drilling was developed in China by a team of men jumping on and off a beam to impact the drilling bit whilst the boring tool was rotated by oxen! Borehole sites could reach as deep as 2000 ft. A specification of our requirements was drawn up, estimates were obtained, and SIS Drilling of Gainsborough were contracted to carry out the work at a cost of £5175.89. A grant of 60% of the total cost was given toward the project by North Lincolnshire Council Community Grants Fund which was greatly appreciated. In addition two plot holders made generous donations toward the cost.
The work began on 2nd June 2021 and was completed in two days. A borehole was sunk behind the main shed and the necessary pipework installed. The current water tanks were refurbished and four further IBCs were set up at the top and bottom of the site to enable all plot holders access to collect the water. The site manager arranges the pumping of the water from the borehole to fill the IBCs as and when required.
Some disturbance to the central avenue was inevitable but has since been made good. Thanks go to all those involved in bringing this project to reality.
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