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Kazuba Toilet



At the AGM on 11th January 2022 Wendy Pallister (Plot 15) suggested that consideration be given to installing a toilet at the allotment site. Following conversations with plot holders, it became clear that such a facility would be welcome and the idea was subsequently taken forward by the management committee.


After initial research, it was agreed that we needed a toilet facility which would: 

  • stand the test of time and regular use, 

  • be environmentally ‘friendly’, 

  • would be easy to use and to maintain, 

  • accessible for all and 

  • visually in keeping with the site. 


There followed a period of research with various types of waterless toilets being considered and the best one to fulfil our requirements was the Kazuba KL2 with STK toilet system. A site visit was made to a nearby community farm where this type of toilet had been installed.  Our planning application was submitted.  It had been decided that the preferred location for the toilet would be adjacent to the main shed and thereby in the centre of the site, giving easy access to wheelchair users.  Planning consent was secured by late September and this allowed for applications for funding to be submitted. Funding was sought from the North Lincolnshire Council Community Grant scheme, the National Lottery Community Fund and Barton upon Humber Lions.  


By the end of November a grant of £5,055 was approved from North Lincolnshire Council Community Grants Scheme and by the end of January 2023 a further grant of £5,400 had been approved from the National Lottery Community Fund. By mid February the Barton Lions provided £333, which was the final amount required to purchase the Kazuba KL2 and STK toilet and an order was placed with the UK supplier.  


The toilet was delivered on 2nd March 2023 and installation began on 22nd March with a 8 foot by 4 foot by 3 foot deep excavation.  A 3" layer of concrete was then laid in the bottom of the hole.


The next day the toilet tank was lowered into the hole and concrete was laid around it and, once this had dried, a layer of stone was laid onto the tank and the galvanised frame placed on top.  The frame was then concreted in place and, once this had 'cured', the timber cladding and galvanised door was secured onto the frame. 

The final touches were then made and plot holders now have a waterless toilet on their site for the next 30 years.  

The project was indeed a team event and, although there are too many to name, the key contributors were:

Wendy Pallister (plat 15) - Proposer for toilet

Kevin Sharp (plot 20) - Project Lead

Johnny Dobbs (plot 47) - support for toilet to be located on his plot

Wendy Pallister, Penny Thornton (plot 27), Liz Cooper (plot 55), and Mike Corlyon (plot 23) for site visit to 'Rooted in Hull'

Kevin Sharp, Neil Jacques (plot 25) and Michael Corlyon for applications for planning consent and funding



Bob Papworth (plot 53) - Works 'Foreman'

Bob Newton (plot 28) - Digger Driver

Tony Blanchard (plot 33) - Joiner

John Cox (plot 14) - spoil removal

Rob Newton (plot 51), Kevin Sharp, John Johnston (plot 45) - labourers

Michael Corlyon - provision of supplies


April 2024 Update - A solar powered, motion sensor interior light was fitted to help illuminate the Kazuba.







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