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Wendy Witter MBE    1936 -2024

To many people Wendy was known as a tireless former councillor and mayor of Barton, whose charity work knew no bounds. In 1992, while serving as Chairman of the Humberside Committee for the Employment of Disabled People, Wendy was awarded the MBE helping disabled people to find work. Twenty seven years later, in July 2019 she was given one of the two annual awards by the Barton-upon-Humber Civic Society for her decades of public service in the town.


The above gives a brief description of Wendy’s public face, but she had very close links to Barton Allotment Society, in fact, between 1978 and 1984 Wendy and her husband David shared a half plot with Mrs. Freda Cooper. Between them they paid five shillings a year in plot fees.


During her time as a keen plot holder, Wendy was to remember the ’Group on the seat by the Hut’, (the Hut being an affectionate name for the plot's main shed) who held regular ad-hoc meetings, ‘putting the world to rights’, with a particular favourite topic being to “play Hamlet about Mrs.Thatcher”! 


Wendy entered and won prizes at Barton’s Annual Horticultural Show. She was always keen to share her favourite recipes with anyone and made a point of joining in with the different social activities held on the plots in later years.


For a time, Wendy was President of the Allotment Society, particularly appreciated for her judgement and diplomacy on a few rare occasions when a mediator was required. She remained actively involved in Barton’s Horticultural Show for many years, always wearing colourful floral jackets and a huge smile on the big day.


Wendy was recently asked what the best thing had been about having an allotment plot. She replied without any hesitation, “The whole atmosphere of total relaxation amongst friendly, helpful, like-minded people – a wonderful relief from work and other pressures.” She also added that her earliest memory was realising that half a plot was about twice as much as she had bargained for!


After standing down as President, Wendy served as an Honorary Vice President for the rest of her days.

Will always be remembered.  Time to rest in peace now Wendy.

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